Get Up & Do It.

Sabria Francis
5 min readJun 3, 2019

Forcing yourself to do the things you don’t WANT to do even though you HAVE to.

I have had this topic in mind for MONTHS now, and if I can be completely transparent here, I don’t even know what direction I’ll be going in but I do know I am preaching to myself! Because I did NOT want to even write this 😫. But the longer I put it off, the longer it just won’t get done. As you can see from the title & subtitle, I will be talking about doing the things we don’t want to even though we have to! Because I know we’ve all been there before. For instance, I didn’t want to go to work today but bills don’t pay themselves! So stick with me through this article as I welcome myself back to writing from a break. I hope you enjoy!

There are often times in life where there are things that we just do not want to do! These things can be as simple as going to work, going to class, cooking dinner, getting gas, and a list that can just continuously grow. But these things can also be complex situations, which I will describe in some examples below. These situations can be difficult & confusing, making what you need to do HARD. So I’m here to say, when you lose all hope & motivation, only YOU can FORCE YOURSELF to get up and get it done! So now I will get into the examples!

  1. Leaving A Relationship. If you have read any of my previous blogs you will know that I talk about relationships a lot lol! Only because it is something that EVERYONE goes through. But I wanted to speak on this for this topic because leaving a relationship, especially with someone you love so much can be DIFFICULT & PAINFUL! Often times we stay because we’re comfortable & we’re afraid of starting over. But when you’re tired of being sick & tired, don’t stay in something you are not happy in. GO!
  2. Leaving Friends Behind. There will be times in our life when we grow apart from the friends we used to be close with. And that can be disappointing & hurtful. But it’s important to know that it’s OKAY to let go of people. Because at the end of the day you don’t want to be held down by the toxicity of the “friends” in your life. You always want to grow!
  3. Getting Up! Sounds so simple, but I know we have ALL been there before! Those days when you don’t want to get out of bed, have any responsibilities, interact with the world, and etc. Those days when your emotions, feelings, thoughts, and anxiety is weighing down on you. Those days when it would just be easier to stay in the comfort of your bed then to have to get up and function. I know because I’ve been there plenty of times! But you HAVE TO GET UP! We can’t let the negative thoughts, insecurities, and fears in our minds win!

So as you just seen, there are difficult times where we just have to make ourselves do what we have to do! For the better of ourselves! Now that I’ve touched on some examples, I want to express WHY it’s important to get up and do the things we don’t want to!

  1. It’s YOUR Life & Only YOU Can Make Things Happen. You (and God) are in control of your life! Only you can get up and do what you need to do! You have to want to do it & just get up & do it! Who else will do it for you?
  2. You Can’t Stay Down For Too Long, You Have Things To Do! In a previous blog, you will know that I am all for taking a moment to yourself to go through what you’re going through. But don’t let it win! You can’t stay down for too long because you have responsibilities! You have goals to accomplish and dreams to conquer! You have to love your best life!
  3. People Are Holding You Back. Nothing worse than people in your life who aren’t any good for you. They are toxic, draining, and holding you back from reaching your fullest potential. You know who these people are & you know at this point the only thing you can do is let them go so you can succeed!
  4. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. I don’t know about you, but when I tackle something I didn’t want to do in the first place, I feel productive and proud of myself! And I know from that moment that things are turning around and I am motivated! Now even though I’m the moment you may still not want to do it, but you will thank yourself that you got up and did it!

As I begin to come to a close, I of course want to share some recent personal examples of things I didn’t want to do but had to make myself do them! I will openly admit that I’ve been in a funk lately & I’ve just been trying to get my groove back! So when I made myself GET UP, it was the best decision I made for myself!

  1. Work- I work midnights so that’s enough said lol. I love my job but lately I’ve just been TIRED. But obviously I have responsibilities!
  2. Spend time with myself/friends- I have a habit of keeping to myself and staying in the house when I’m going through things. I had to force myself to LEAVE MY HOUSE to not only spend time with my friends but to enjoy MYSELF!
  3. Make music- This may be small to others but music/singing/playing piano is my WORLD! Full transparency, I’ve been less & less interested in my music and it BROKE MY HEART! So I had to GET UP, write songs & play my piano!

So although I’m not fully back in my groove, I thank myself and God for not giving up even when I wanted to! I want more for my life and I choose every day to be a better version of myself! I challenge you all to do the same!

As usual, thank you all for reading along! It’s hard to come back to things after you’ve taken a break, but I’m happy to be back! Stay tuned☺️✌🏾*all images from Google



Sabria Francis

Just a small town girl who loves to read and write. I have a BA & MS in Psychology and I love Psyc, Music, God, children, and life! From OH but live in FL now!